Ignite Life Coaching offers courses that deal with emotional wellbeing. With more than a decade in the counselling and coaching field, I have designed these courses to take you on a journey of healing, self-love and fulfilment.

Please sign up and enrol in the course to get started with your journey to self -love, helping you to take control of your life, and giving you an understanding of how to live in collaboration with the universe, so as to design your best life yet!

Additionally, you will be able to sign up for 1 on 1 coaching with me, to further assist you on this journey.

Click the button to sign up and enrol!

'Literally life changing'


Ignite an Inspired Life

Move from being stuck in a rut to living an inspired life in 5 easy steps!

Let It Go

This is a 10 step guide to help you deal with a challenging experience that you may be finding difficult to move past.

1:1 Coaching

Sign up for one on one online coaching with me.

Hello and welcome to my school.

My name is Nomathemba Gay Molefi and I am a therapist. For well over a decade, I have worked with hundreds of people , assisting them with various life challenges - from dealing with trauma, grief and relationship challenges, to helping people rediscover who they really are, decide what it is that they want in life, get unstuck and move forward to a life they desire.

I believe that it is important to identify what it is you do not want, in order to be able to move forward into what you do want. Throughout this time in my practice, I got to understand what makes people tick, and about what is of importance in life if you are to find your happy, and I have developed tools to guide you on your journey. This does not imply that there will no longer be any challenges to face, because life has to happen and challenges help us to grow; what it does mean is that you will have a beneficial mindset about the issues you face, be aware of the choices you have, and be able to quickly navigate yourself through those challenges.

So, if you are ready to make a shift into a joyful life experience, come engage with me on my course and book a one on one coaching session.